Hire Me, Maybe? How to Avoid these 3 Time-to-Hire Killers

Ah, time-to-hire, the ever-elusive unicorn of the recruiting world. You've been searching for the perfect candidate for weeks, months even, and just when you think you've found them, they slip away. What gives? 

Let's talk about some of the top issues causing frustration in the hiring process and how to address them for a shorter time-to-hire.

Lack of Salary Transparency

Pay is a big deal when it comes to attracting top talent. After all; money is the end goal. A CareerPlug survey found that 27 percent of respondents expected to be informed about compensation in the initial job post.

If your company doesn't have a transparent salary range, candidates will assume you're not willing to pay them what they're worth. This can result in losing out on great candidates who would have been a perfect fit for your company.

To avoid this, ensure you're clear about your salary range in your job postings. Be upfront about what you're willing to pay, and don't make candidates jump through hoops just to find out. Consider offering a salary range that's competitive with other companies in your industry, so candidates know that you value their skills and experience.

You can woo a candidate with all the fancy perks and promises in the world, but if the salary isn't up to par, they'll bounce faster than a kangaroo on a trampoline. So, what's the solution? Be transparent. If you can't offer the salary they want, be upfront about it. Discuss other benefits that might make up for it, like flexible schedules, remote work options or extra PTO. And for the love of all things good; please don't wait until the final offer to disclose the salary. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Not Effectively Wooing Talent

Interviews are not just about the candidate impressing you; it's also about you impressing them. If you don't make a good impression, you're likely to lose out on top talent. So, what can you do to woo candidates effectively?

First, make sure you have a strong employer brand that showcases what makes your company a great place to work. Share stories about your company culture, employee benefits and any exciting projects your team is working on. This will help candidates see your company as a desirable place to work.

Second, make sure your interview process is engaging and informative. Don't just ask a bunch of generic questions; make sure you're asking questions that show you're genuinely interested in the candidate's background. Also, be prepared to answer any questions the candidate may have about the company and the role they're applying for.

If you're not putting in the effort to make a candidate feel wanted and valued, they'll move on to someone who will. Take the time to learn about the candidate's interests and skills, and tailor your approach accordingly. Offer personalized perks or incentives that will speak to them, and don't be afraid to show a little personality. 

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Bait & Switch

Bait & switch refers to when a hiring manager advertises a position with one set of responsibilities but then changes the job description or duties during the hiring process—or worse, shortly after the candidate’s start date. This can be frustrating for candidates who may have applied specifically for the advertised position, only to find out later that the job has changed significantly.

Nothing is more frustrating than thinking you're applying for one position only to find out it's something completely different. It's like ordering a pizza and getting a salad. Sure, the salad might be healthy, but it's not what you wanted. Be honest and accurate in your job descriptions, and if things change, communicate those changes clearly and quickly. It's better to have a few disappointed candidates than a bunch of angry ones. 

Taking Too Long to Give Feedback Between Interviews

Time is money, and nobody wants to waste either one. If you take weeks to get back to a candidate after an interview, they will assume you're not interested. And if they're really good, they'll have multiple offers on the table by the time you finally respond. Don't let that happen. Set clear expectations for when you'll be in touch, and stick to them. Even if it's just a quick email to say you're still interested, it can make a huge difference.

A clear hiring timeline keeps all involved parties accountable. Let candidates know when they can expect to hear back from you, and always follow up with them in that timeframe—even if it’s just to let them know that you need more time.

Pro Tip: Use Technology to Speed Things Along

Use technology to streamline the hiring process. Speed up the process and reduce frustration for you and the candidates by upgrading your tech stack. Hiring managers can work with HR teams to create more efficient screening processes that prioritize essential qualifications and reduce the reliance on ATS keyword searches. They can also leverage tools such as AI-powered chatbots to engage with candidates and provide timely feedback or platforms that alleviate the need for manual sourcing and let the role take the lead in surfacing qualified talent (yes, we’re talking about Rolebot!)

We know this process can be frustrating, but it's important to remember that hiring is a two-way street. Candidates are evaluating you just as much as you're evaluating them. By being transparent, personalized and efficient, you'll not only attract top talent but retain them as well. And who knows, you might even enjoy the process (okay, maybe not that much).

In the end, the key to a successful hire is communication.

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